January 2012

QOGA welcomes the publication of new operating principles for hydraulic fracturing


January 30, 2012 — The Quebec Oil and Gas Association (QOGA) today welcomed the publication of operating practices for hydraulic fracturing by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP). “QOGA salutes CAPP for establishing these best practices for industry. These commitments demonstrate the seriousness and rigor with which industry takes...

The Premier of New Brunswick is in favor of shale gas

QOGA invites readers to consult this CBC article about the recent statement by David Alward, Premier of New Brunswick, about shale gas development in his province. During a speech, Mr. Alward essentially said the same things as U.S. President Barack Obama on the economic and environmental potential of this important...

President Barack Obama supports shale gas


QOGA would like to highlight the words of U.S. President Barack Obama relating to shale gas in his most recent State of the Union speech, which occurred on January 24, 2012. President Obama raised the issue of energy challenges facing America and the importance of developing natural gas from shale....

Beware of False Comparisons


The article by Jessica Nadeau published in the January 26, 2012 edition of La Presse mentions the existence of some 600 abandoned wells (natural gas, oil or brine) in Quebec that have been closed or abandoned for several years. This list includes wells that were drilled in the 19th century....

QOGA Statement on Update to Professor Muehlenbachs’ Shale Study


January 17, 2012 – QOGA takes note of the clarifications provided by the Ministère du Développement durable, Environnement et Parcs (MDDEP) on the validity of the source water samples analyzed by an Albertan researcher. In that regard, please take note of the press release issued by MDDEP. QOGA would like...