Top Halliburton executive sips fracking fluid with colleagues in industry show stunt


«Top Halliburton executive sips fracking fluid with colleagues in industry show stunt»

Yadullah Hussain, Financial Post

Industry executives were in for an unusual treat during a luncheon presentation at the annual Quebec Oil and Gas Association this week in Montreal. Apart from his power-point slides, Halliburton Canada vice-president John Gorman’s served up samples of frack fluid in champagne bottles, encouraging his audience to take a swig of his company’s CleanStim blend.

“It was absolutely the first time I drank fracking fluid — you can be sure of that,” said Michael Binnion, President of QOGA and CEO of Questerre Energy Corp. a couple of days after Monday’s event, noting that 20 to 25 executives drank the brew. “I feel fine. There was quite a build-up, but it was a bit of a let-down as it was less viscous than I thought it would be, but more viscous than water. And very stale-tasting.”

Mr. Gorman, who drank the frack juice as well, said he was trying to make a point. “We were trying to show that whenever the oil and gas industry is shown a challenge, we view it as an opportunity to find solutions. And in this case, we only had to replace very few chemicals with some food additives.”

It’s not the first time Halliburton — one of the world’s largest oil services companies and a hydraulic fracturing pioneer — has pulled a frack-fluid-sipping stunt. In 2011, the company’s CEO Dave Lesar asked one of his executives to take a sip of the fluid during a presentation in front of industry executives. Critics wondered why the CEO did not drink it himself.


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